Oops! Looks like something went wrong
The payment process has failed. There are almost 100% chances that it has something to do with your card issuing bank. Please do check with them & retry. However if there is anything we can do to sort this out, you can completely rely on us. Our first priority will be to resolve your matter.
We do accept NEFT & RTGS payments. Our bank details are given below.
This is just in case you would like to pay us using bank transfer.
ANT Enterprise
Current Bank Account Number: 026 305 500 426
Lokhandwala Branch, Samarth Vaibhav, Oshiwara
Andheri-West, Mumbai-400053, India
IFSC Code: ICIC0000263
We do accept NEFT & RTGS payments. Our bank details are given below.
This is just in case you would like to pay us using bank transfer.
ANT Enterprise
Current Bank Account Number: 026 305 500 426
Lokhandwala Branch, Samarth Vaibhav, Oshiwara
Andheri-West, Mumbai-400053, India
IFSC Code: ICIC0000263